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How to host a MOH Server

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How to host a MOH Server

Postby Clankiller » 04 May 2015, 17:59

I've recently got back into this game now that there are a few servers running, but I see most of the servers are no longer Team Match and only allow rifles. So, I am contemplating getting a server of my own. I would like some input on what I would need to do this. I have knowledge of computers, but not much on servers, so if anyone can help I would appreciate it. I have a spare PC, but not sure what kind of hardware would be needed to run a 24-28 player server. I see you can rent servers, but not sure what is easier.

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Re: How to host a MOH Server

Postby modder » 04 May 2015, 23:19

These days hardware is not a problem anymore.

The most critical thing is networking. Mostly, only servers (computers)
on datacenters have a strong enough connection to work out as 24/7
game servers.

To get started, you should copy the game folder onto your host computer.
If you are at home, there are some tricky things to do:
- Set up the Firewall of Windows AND your router to port forward the game ports
- Make sure you have all latest patches ("made by Daven") so no one can crash your game

If you have some basic knowledge of the game, you are good to go then.
Explaining more would stretch my time too much, but maybe someone
else likes to help. :)

Would be nice to see you in our server list some time.
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Re: How to host a MOH Server

Postby Clankiller » 05 May 2015, 23:35

Do any of the servers run anti-cheat software anymore? I thought things were bad before, but every server I have been to is just a free for all with mods, hacks, keybinders and glitchers. It seems that people are so desperate to play they they will let anyone on their server.

Is it possible to run a server that is just stock and keeps the playing field level? Or are people who play nowadays so poorly skilled that they have to mod and run hacks to even have a shot of getting more kills than deaths? I don't want to have only 2-3 people on my server, so is it even worth setting one up if 99% of players now would get booted for cheating?

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Re: How to host a MOH Server

Postby Time-bomb » 07 May 2015, 12:25

A lot of servers run still foresight or CI or both but those ac's dont get update anymore since years :( It stop a few simple cheats and it is easy to bann people on your server with those programs but there are so many cheats to found for AA ans SH and those programms will not detect them.

There is no good AC anymore what can use on a server without a client. Players are too lazy to run a AC.
You can use the tool from on your server and setup the server that players need to use the Mohaas tool or they can't play on your server. (But server will be have 2 or 3 players i think)

I know a few servers have setup the Mohaas tool so that you only can join the server if you run the tool also as player but those servers have players around who play for a long time on that server so it makes it easier to let players use the tool because they like the server.

Mods are use by clans to get players on their servers i guess, or they like it themself.
Servers are mosly host by a gamehost company's not many servers are host on a private pc.

I hope it help you a bit, good luck
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